Dear Emelie,
Thanks a lot for the kind words. Please find the comments inline:
1. Is it possible to add multiply animations to an object? Example a fade in and then a fade out effect
Yes is is possible, you can check the example of nested animation blocks in our demo: Scroll down to "Using Nested Animations..." section and you can see how we did it.
A sample code of the nested animations may look like this:
Your Content Here
You can use the Animate it button in the editor multiple times, to generate this kind of code. Remember to use the right animation block sequence to make it work properly.
2. Is it possible to make the animation infinite?
Infinite animation sequence is not possible using the current version. However, it is a good suggestion and we'll definitely keep in mind when we release the next version of the Plugin.
3. How can you add an animation to the site-logo?
First generate the classes you want to put on logo using the Class Generator:
Now follow one of the following steps:
Let us know if these answers help.
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