Dear Anu,
Thank you for using Animate It! plugin.
Regarding the issue, could you please try increasing the Scroll Offset to value greater then 90. To do that pleas follow below steps:
1. Go to Extensions -> Plugins
2. Search "System - Animate It!"
3. Open the plugin settings.
4. You will see a field "Scroll Offset (in percentage) *"
5. Change its value to something greater then 90 and try.
If the above method not works, then try changing the HTML for the section to below:
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 home-1">
<div class=" animated slideInUp duration1 eds-on-scroll ">
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" class="full-width" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Let us know if any of the above method works.